Legacy Fund Grants List

FNV supports a set of continuing grantees through its Legacy Fund.

Total Granted 2024: $560,000

Justice With Dignity 2024: $300,000
Californians United for a Responsible Budget (CURB) (Fiscal Sponsor: Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs)

Reduce the number of prisons, jails, and immigrant detention centers in California and shift resources toward community-based solutions by advocating for local and state budget reform.

Ella Baker Center for Human Rights

Shift resources away from prisons and punishment towards opportunities that make communities safe, healthy, and strong and mobilize Black, Brown, and low-income people to build power and prosperity in their communities and advance racial and economic justice.

Initiate Justice

End incarceration in California by activating the political power of directly impacted people.

Legal Services for Prisoners with Children

Organize communities impacted by the criminal justice system and advocate to end mass incarceration, restore human and civil rights, reunify families and communities, and provide opportunities for formerly incarcerated people.

Momentum Community

Train leaders to build and back social movement organizations that can engage at the scale of the crisis and translate the people’s will into law.

Reuniting Families Contra Costa (Fiscal Sponsor: Silicon Valley De-Bug)

Implement participatory defense in Contra Costa, a community-developed model that supports families with a loved one facing criminal charges to hold criminal justice system players accountable to reform the criminal justice system.

Silicon Valley De-Bug

Support participatory defense, which empowers individuals facing charges and their families to impact the outcomes of cases, transforms the landscape of power in the courts, and brings loved ones home.

Women’s Foundation California – Solís Policy Institute Criminal Justice Reform

Support Criminal Justice Reform teams to devise solutions aimed at reforming and dismantling the criminal legal and other carceral systems.

Nonviolence 2024: $75,000
People’s Hub (Fiscal Sponsor: Social Good Fund)

Work with grassroots trainers and facilitators to develop and implement solidarity economy and disability justice programming.

Peace and Anti-Militarism 2024: $115,000
Dissenters (Fiscal Sponsor: Center for Third World Organizing)

Support an anti-militarism youth movement building grassroots power to stop endless wars and reinvest in our communities.

Ploughshares Fund – Equity Rises

Challenge racism and white supremacy in nuclear policies and institutions, build actionable connections between nuclear and other issue areas, and examine and dismantle the military industrial complex.

Veterans Organizing Institute (Fiscal Sponsor: Common Defense)

Provide training and engagement opportunities for veterans across the country to become civic engagement leaders in their communities.

Win Without War Education Fund

Provide public education supporting a peaceful foreign policy for the United States, addressing the ongoing crisis in Gaza and the resulting risk of regional war, the role of militarism in the climate crisis, and runaway spending at the Pentagon including a new nuclear arms race, and additional rapid response campaigning that centers the leadership of impacted communities.

Voices 2024: $70,000
Emergent Fund (Fiscal Sponsor: Amalgamated Charitable Fund)

Provide national rapid response funds to explicitly support Black, Indigenous and People of Color-led (BIPOC) social justice movements facing injustice based on racial, ethnic, religious, and other forms of discrimination.

Texas Civil Rights Project – Beyond Borders

Confront and eliminate structural practices that perpetuate the harmful effects of militarization, cultural erasure, imprisonment, and exclusion along the Texas-Mexico border and across the state through the Beyond Borders program’s organizing and coalition building.

Total Granted 2023: $400,000

Justice With Dignity 2023: $175,000
Californians United for a Responsible Budget (Fiscal Sponsor: Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs)

Facilitate a coalition of over 80 grassroots organizations to work to reduce the number of people imprisoned, the number of prisons and jails, and to shift state and local spending from corrections and policing to human services.

Ella Baker Center for Human Rights

Build power with Black, Brown, and low-income communities targeted by the carceral system, reimagine public safety, and advance a material shift in resources towards care-based policies and systems that truly keep communities safe.

Initiate Justice

End incarceration in California by activating the political power of directly impacted people.

Legal Services for Prisoners with Children

Organize communities impacted by the criminal justice system and advocates to end mass incarceration, restore human and civil rights, reunify families and communities, and provide opportunities for formerly incarcerated people.

Reuniting Families Contra Costa (Fiscal Sponsor: Silicon Valley De-Bug)

Implement Participatory Defense in Contra Costa, a community-developed model that supports families with a loved one facing criminal charges to hold criminal justice system players accountable to reform the criminal justice system.

Silicon Valley De-Bug

Deepen and expand the Participatory Defense Network, a community-developed model for community empowerment at the pre-trial stages of the courts.

Women’s Foundation of California

Support the Criminal Justice cohorts of the Dr. Beatriz María Solís Policy Institute.

Lifting Voices of Resistance 2023: $45,000
Emergent Fund (Fiscal Sponsor: Amalgamated Charitable Foundation)

Provide rapid response resources for grassroots organizing and power building in Black, Indigenous and people of color communities who are facing injustice based on racial, ethnic, religious and other forms of discrimination.

Texas Civil Rights Project (TCRP) (Oficina Legal del Pueblo Unido): Protecting Border Communities and Immigrants along the Texas-Mexico Border

End attacks on border communities and defend the civil and human rights of immigrants at the Texas-Mexico border.

Peace & Anti-Militarism 2023: $110,000
Dissenters (Fiscal Sponsor: Center for Third World Organizing)

Support a new anti-militarism youth movement building grassroots power to stop endless wars and reinvest in our communities.

National Iranian American Council

Build civic power for the Iranian American community and allies to advance peace and diplomacy, secure equitable immigration, and protect civil rights.

Ploughshares Fund: Equity Rises

Increase equity and justice in nuclear policy by empowering diverse voices, cultivating inclusive spaces, and collaborating with new partners inside and outside the field.

Veterans Organizing Institute (Fiscal Sponsor: Common Defense Education Fund Inc.)

Support the leadership development of progressive military veterans.

Win Without War Education Fund

Facilitate a diverse network of organizations and activists working for a more peaceful, progressive U.S. foreign policy that favors peace, not militarism.

Nonviolence 2023: $70,000
Momentum Community

Train leaders to build and back social movement organizations that can engage at the scale of the crisis and translate the people’s will into law.

PeoplesHub (Fiscal Sponsor: Social Good Fund)

Support the building of a participatory popular education progressive online hub, helping connect people, strategy, solutions, and action for a better world.

Total Granted 2022: $890,000

Justice with Dignity Total Granted 2022: $540,000
A New Way of Life Re-entry Project

Southern California

Restore the dignity, civil and human rights of individuals with histories of convictions and incarceration.

Californians United for a Responsible Budget (Fiscal Sponsor: Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs)


Facilitate a coalition of over 80 grassroots organizations to work to reduce the number of people imprisoned, the number of prisons and jails, and to shift state and local spending from corrections and policing to human services.

Crime Survivors for Safety and Justice (Fiscal Sponsor: Alliance for Safety and Justice)


Support a national network of crime survivors joining together to create healing communities and shape public safety policy.

Ella Baker Center for Human Rights


Build power with Black, Brown, and low-income communities targeted by the carceral system, reimagine public safety, and advance a material shift in resources towards care-based policies and systems that truly keep communities safe.

Equal Justice USA (EJUSA) – Breaking Cycles of Trauma


Shift the narrative around trauma, race, and violence and build a healing justice system that centers racial equity and the needs of communities most impacted by violence and mass incarceration.

Essie Justice Group


Empower women with incarcerated loved ones taking on the rampant injustices created by mass incarceration by bringing women together to heal, build collective power, and drive social change.

FP YouthOutCry Foundation: The HUBB Arts & Trauma Center for Youth and Families 

New Jersey

Increase opportunities for success by providing healing programs, services, & events for underserved Newark youth and their families.

Healing Dialogue and Action (Fiscal Sponsor: Community Partners)


Provide trauma-informed healing services to people impacted by homicide to end cyclical violence and mass incarceration.

Initiate Justice


End incarceration in California by activating the political power of directly impacted people.

Legal Services for Prisoners with Children


Organize communities impacted by the criminal justice system and advocates to end mass incarceration, restore human and civil rights, reunify families and communities, and provide opportunities for formerly incarcerated people.

Pillars of the Community

San Diego, California

Counter the criminalization of communities through community organizing, leadership development, and strategic partnerships.

Reuniting Families Contra Costa (Fiscal Sponsor: Silicon Valley De-Bug)


Implement Participatory Defense in Contra Costa, a community-developed model that supports families with a loved one facing criminal charges to hold criminal justice system players accountable to reform the criminal justice system.

Silicon Valley De-Bug


Deepen and expand the Participatory Defense Network, a community-developed model for community empowerment at the pre-trial stages of the courts.

Smart Justice CA – Crime Prevention and Safety Campaign (Fiscal Sponsor: Tides Foundation)


Transform the current debate in California on crime and safety from fear and blame to real solutions.

Women’s Foundation of California


Support the Criminal Justice cohorts of the Dr. Beatriz María Solís Policy Institute.

Lifting Voices of Resistance Total Granted 2022: $85,000
Black Organizing for Leadership and Dignity – BOLD


Strengthen Black social justice infrastructure in the U.S. through national training.

Emergent Fund (Fiscal Sponsor: Amalgamated Charitable Foundation)


Provide rapid response resources for grassroots organizing and power building in Black, Indigenous and people of color communities who are facing injustice based on racial, ethnic, religious and other forms of discrimination.

Mijente Support Committee 


Provide a political home for Latinx and Chicanx people who seek racial, economic, gender and climate justice through campaigns that connect people across a wide network and serves as a hub for culture, learning and advocacy.

Texas Civil Rights Project (TCRP)  (Oficina Legal del Pueblo Unido): Protecting Border Communities and Immigrants along the Texas-Mexico Border


End attacks on border communities and defend the civil and human rights of immigrants at the Texas-Mexico border.

Peace & Anti-Militarism Total Granted 2022: $120,000
Dissenters (Fiscal Sponsor: Center for Third World Organizing)


Support a new anti-militarism youth movement building grassroots power to stop endless wars and reinvest in our communities.

National Iranian American Council


Build civic power for the Iranian American community and allies to advance peace and diplomacy, secure equitable immigration, and protect civil rights.

Pentagon Budget Campaign (Fiscal Sponsor: Fund for Constitutional Government)


Work towards a significant reduction in Pentagon spending, to reduce wasteful spending and shift priorities to address our current national security needs.

Ploughshares Fund: Equity Rises


Increase equity and justice in nuclear policy by empowering diverse voices, cultivating inclusive spaces, and collaborating with new partners inside and outside the field.

Veterans Organizing Institute (Fiscal Sponsor: Common Defense Education Fund Inc.)  


Support the leadership development of progressive military veterans.

Win Without War Education Fund


Facilitate a diverse network of organizations and activists working for a more peaceful, progressive U.S. foreign policy that favors peace, not militarism.

Nonviolence Total Granted 2022: $45,000
Momentum Community


Train leaders to build and back social movement organizations that can engage at the scale of the crisis and translate the people’s will into law.

PeoplesHub (Fiscal Sponsor: Social Good Fund) 


Support the building of a participatory popular education progressive online hub, helping connect people, strategy, solutions, and action for a better world.

Total Granted 2021: $675,000

Justice with Dignity Total Granted 2021: $415,000
A New Way of Life Re-entry Project:  All of Us or None

Southern California

Empower and mobilize justice-involved people to actively participate in creating social change that positively impacts their communities and provide community outreach and support for legal clinics.

Californians United for a Responsible Budget (CURB) (Fiscal Sponsor: Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs)


CURB, a coalition of over 80 grassroots organizations, works to reduce the number of people imprisoned, the number of prisons and jails, and to shift state and local spending from corrections and policing to human services.

Congregations Organized for Prophetic Engagement-COPE

San Bernardino

Advocate for redemptive and restorative systemic approaches to public safety. Engage the San Bernardino District Attorney’s Office to prioritize and implement a set of criminal justice reform and public safety priorities, such as diversion, intervention, and prevention programs, as alternatives to incarceration.

Ella Baker Center for Human Rights


Provide organizing, policy advocacy, and communications strategies to shift public policy and resources away from police and prisons and towards education, jobs, housing, and healthcare for low-income communities of color that have been hit hardest by criminalization and mass incarceration.

Equal Justice USA – Breaking Cycles of Trauma


Build a healing justice system by centering on racial equity and the needs of impacted and underserved individuals and communities and shifting the national and local narrative around trauma, race, and violence.

Essie Justice Group


Empower women with incarcerated loved ones taking on the rampant injustices created by mass incarceration by bringing women together to heal, build collective power, and drive social change.

FP YouthOutCry Foundation – The HUBB Arts & Trauma Center for Youth and Families 

New Jersey

Increase opportunities for success by providing healing programs, services, & events for underserved Newark youth and their families.

Healing Dialogue and Action (Fiscal Sponsor: Community Partners)


Provide trauma-informed healing services to people impacted by homicide to end cyclical violence and mass incarceration.

Initiate Justice


Build the political power of people impacted by incarceration in California.

Legal Services for Prisoners with Children


Train and mobilize people impacted by the criminal injustice system, specifically formerly incarcerated people and their families, to be leaders in the movement to end mass incarceration, restore human and civil rights, and to reunify families. Work includes policy advocacy, public education, grassroots organizing and leadership building, legal advocacy, and impact litigation.

Pillars of the Community

San Diego, California

Counter the criminalization of communities through community organizing, leadership development, and strategic partnerships.

Reuniting Families Contra Costa (Fiscal Sponsor: Silicon Valley De-Bug)


Implement Participatory Defense in Contra Costa, a community-developed model that supports families with a loved one facing criminal charges to hold criminal justice system players accountable to reform the criminal justice system.

Silicon Valley De-Bug


To deepen and expand the Participatory Defense Network, a community-developed model for community empowerment at the pre-trial stages of the courts.

Smart Justice CA – Statewide Advocacy Coalition (Fiscal Sponsor: Tides Foundation)


Support the LA DA Scaffolding project to educate people and counter misinformation geared to maintain unjust criminal justice policies.

Women’s Foundation of California


Support the Criminal Justice cohorts of the Women’s Policy Institutes (WPI).

Lifting Voices of Resistance Total Granted 2021: $105,000
Black Organizing for Leadership and Dignity – BOLD (Fiscal Sponsor: Highlander Research and Education Center)


Strengthen Black social justice infrastructure in the U.S. through national training.

Electoral Justice Voter Fund  (Fiscal Sponsor: Tides Foundation)


Implement programmatic initiatives to ensure that Black voters are able to safely and successfully vote, especially in geographic areas affected by the COVID19 pandemic and high levels of voter suppression and disinformation/misinformation tactics. 

Emergent Fund (Fiscal Sponsor: Amalgamated Charitable Foundation)


Provide rapid response resources for grassroots organizing and power building in Black, Indigenous and people of color communities who are facing injustice based on racial, ethnic, religious and other forms of discrimination.



Provide a political home for Latinx and Chicanx people who seek racial, economic, gender and climate justice through campaigns that connect people across a wide network and serves as a hub for culture, learning and advocacy.

Texas Civil Rights Project (TCRP)  (Oficicina Legal del Pueblo Unido): Protecting Immigrants at the Texas-Mexico Border


Protect vulnerable populations of immigrants, especially families, unaccompanied children and other particularly vulnerable populations of immigrants at the southern U.S. border.

Peace & Anti-Militarism Total Granted 2021: $110,000
Dissenters (Fiscal Sponsor: The Watershed Center)


Support a new anti-militarism youth movement building grassroots power to stop endless wars and reinvest in our communities.

National Iranian American Council


Build political power for the Iranian American community to advance peace & diplomacy, secure equitable immigration policies, and protect the civil rights of all Americans.

Ploughshares Fund: Women’s Initiative 


Amplify and invest in women, new voices, and diverse perspectives, to ultimately transform the global security field and create more inclusive, just, and peace-oriented national security and foreign policies.

Veterans Organizing Institute (VOI) (Fiscal Sponsor: Commonwealth Foundation)


Support the leadership development of progressive military veterans.

Win Without War


Facilitate a diverse network of organizations and activists working for a more peaceful, progressive U.S. foreign policy that favors peace, not militarism.

Nonviolence Total Granted 2021: $45,000
Momentum Community


Prepare a generation of leaders capable of launching a wave of movements that will win the necessary victories to transform our society into a just one.

PeoplesHub  (Fiscal sponsor: Social Good Fund)


Support the building of a participatory popular education progressive online hub, helping connect people, strategy, solutions, and action for a better world.